Unity is a product of shared ideals and virtues that exist regardless of differences and amidst diversity.
While difference and diversity are both a means to a noble end, they don’t beget unity by themselves.
What matters is how we acknowledge these traits and treat others despite them. Pursuing unity without
acknowledging or respecting our differences creates uniformity; and uniformity is nowhere near as
meaningful as unity because it does not allow diversity to be fully appreciated or valued. Diversity is only
appreciated in the context of recognized difference.
Acknowledging our differences provides space for diversity to be accepted and appreciated so that we
can then together discover shared ideals and virtues. Only then can we achieve authentic unity. The
truth is, we are all limited in intellect, imagination, and experience. Therefore, we depend on others
with different perspectives to see the beauty of our individual and collective existence and experience.
Every viewpoint and experience is both a point of individual truth and a point of individual blindness. It
is individually true because it’s derived from an individually authentic and unique experience. But it’s
also individually blind because its view point is inherently limited. When we acknowledged all points of
view and attempt together to intuit the whole, we are more likely to find opportunities for unity and
recognize shared truth and beauty that can transcend our differences. This openness is also referred to
as “epistemic humility” – without it we can’t pursue unity that celebrates and transcends our
differences. This is why unity depends on difference, but also transcends it.
In light of this, our differences are to be individually respected and collectively celebrated. Not as an
end, but rather as a means to an end to discover virtue and unity together which is necessary for any
community striving for goodness and equity. The beautiful result is a true unity that is inclusive of all
well-meaning individuals regardless of their backgrounds, beliefs, status, or affiliation.
May this thought inspire you to have both courage and humility to see all who are different from you as intrinsically valuable and necessary to discover goodness, meaning, peace and purpose. For unity’s sake.
May this thought inspire you to have both courage and humility to see all who are different from you as intrinsically valuable and necessary to discover goodness, meaning, peace and purpose. For unity’s sake.
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